Happy Birthday! |
Pecan Pie with Chocolate Sauce at Rick's on the square in Downtown McKinney!! Yum! |
Year's ago when I watched Oprah, I went from watching every day, then to watching occasionally and finally to only watching the Oprah's Favorite Things episodes. In life I am a modest consumer. Someone has to be. If someone did not appreciate art, music, books, and even material goods then capitalism would fail and all those creative people would have no one to admire their work!! I would rather be a creator and producer but so far I have been mostly a consumer.
So this is my version of Oprah's favorite things: The K List! I have to mention that my most favorite things are not material in nature but that is not what this post is about. This is about the little and sometimes big FUN things that make life different and new, or comfortable and cozy or that inspire and motivate, or maybe they are just pretty!
Here are my K List qualifiers inspired by my birthday (yesterday) and the thoughtful gifts I received. First on the list is Lollia Breath (peony and white lily) Tranquil Bubbling Bath. Dean purchased this for me at the Sample House. It comes in a wine-like bottle complete with cork. This gift reminds me of my three favorite comfortable and soothing things: my Mr. Tub bathtub with 6 jets of pulsating streams of water, my pillow top mattress and my massage chair. If you read any of my running posts then you understand why these three rather expensive items are so important to me. The sweet scented bubble bath is the perfect accompaniment to my relaxing bath experience.

Next Parker gave me a stylus to use with another of my favorite things, my IPad. When I wake up in the morning I reach for my IPad. I activate (touch) the You Version app and Wah Lah I am instantly transported to today's designated reading in the Chronological read-the-bible-in-a-year plan. The screen is back lit which means that I can SEE it! Since I received the IPad as an anniversary/Mother's Day present back in April I have not only caught up on my Bible reading (whereof I was woefully behind) but I am now ahead of schedule!!! I also use my IPad for reading email and Facebooking. With Parker's gift of a stylus I will be able to take notes without using the tiny keyboard and I may be able to do some artist things with it...we will see.
IPad and case |
IPad cover with keyboard from Brookstone |
Thank you, Parker! |
My next favorite things represent two categories of things that always inspire me: Craft books/magazines and blank hopeful notebooks. Bailey presented me with a craft book and a very cool Moleskine blank notebook. The craft book was just at my artistic level: Doodling with Jim Henson, creator of the Muppets. And for me, notebooks large or small, lined or grid or blank; all represent anticipation and hope. What amazing notes will I take in this notebook, what cool pictures will I draw, what new project will I outline in this notebook, what lists will be written and crossed off, what vacations will be planned in this notebook? So much excitement for a blank page.
Doodling with Jim Henson, creator of the Muppets |
I can't wait to draw him! |
Another drawing opportunity. I love his eyes! |
These little birds are so funny! |
The Molesskine Notebook of possibilities! |
And then there is the Just-For-Fun category of favorite things. My friend Nanette always sends me something to make me smile. This year it was a big happy flower that can be attached to anything because the stem has a bendy wire inside! I think everyone should have a happy flower sharing their office space.
I also love "animal" themed gifts. Nanette included in her parcel a little Russian made box with a wide-eyed kitty perched on the lid. Because Nanette lives in another city her gifts arrive by mail. This in itself is a gift. A box in the mail, not a bill or advertisement but a BOX! So exciting!
Since this has turned into a birthday celebration post I must include some images from a few of the very cool cards I received. There are a few cards still "in the mail" since my birthday fell on Memorial Day and my friend Paula informs me that she mailed my card from France when she was there. She says it is taking the scenic route to reach me. I don't mind, I think it is cool to get a birthday card from France.
The captions inside read: "It's your birthday, Live Dangerously! |
I must state again that none of the things that appear on the K List would have any meaning to me without the "things" in life that are really important: Faith, Family and Friends. The only category missing on The K List today was books. I cannot imagine a life without literature, self-help, mystery, Christian living, Science Fiction, Adventure! And to assist in my exploration of other worlds and ideas I have a Kindle. That pretty much wraps up my favorite things for today. I am blessed with thoughtful and kind family and friends and they are on the top of my K List! I wish you Many Happy Returns of the Day!
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