Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Beginning

Online journaling! Day 1: very scary! The best way to ensure a good start is to include a happy bunny picture.

The name of this blog will change once the direction takes shape. Hopefully it will evolve into a cohesive array of thoughts, projects and collected internet ephemera (or even something more meaningful).

For now, Sound and Fury fits many of my thoughts not to mention the state of the world in general. And "signifying nothing" represents a reminder to me that while I often feel passionately about something, just as often it is wise not to take myself too seriously. It is my hope that as I keep this online journal I will grow, evolve and mature and will find my voice; and that will be the time to create an amazing and creative new blog title!

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1 comment:

  1. Cute bunny picture!!! I'm not sure I'm prepared to handle words like "munificence" and "ephemera" yet :)
