Monday, June 4, 2012

Summer Running Challenge- Week 1

As much as I enjoyed having a blog post titled "Summer Streaking" it seems that some have misinterpreted my meaning, if only briefly. To make things worse, they didn't really misinterpret my meaning they thought that I did not know what I had typed. The "they" in this instance are my children and unfortunately we have reached that awkward point in our lives together where I am so old and they are just old enough to believe that I do not know what "streaking" implies and that I unintentionally and hilariously labeled my blog post in a way that would indicate I plan to be naked for 38 consecutive days this summer. I am not the only person to refer to streaking or streakers without explanation, one example is the MCM Streakers Club. They are not a club of nudists, they are a group of people who run every day for as long as they can.

To me it was much like the blog post I titled "Let's Get Stoned". I thought it would be obvious that I understood what "let's get stoned" implied and that I deliberately typed it because it was so obviously not what I was referring to. Once you have to explain this to those between 17 and 21 you not only feel old but you wonder what the point is if everything you write will be viewed through the impenetrable veil of disparate points of view due to age difference. Even my beloved Dean betrayed me for the sake of his ever present humor, "Do you think she knows what streaking means?" Whatever. I press on.

 Last Saturday we arose earlier in the morning than we wanted in order to drive to the Greenbelt to run. I was brushing my teeth when I looked out of the window that is above my bathroom mirror and I saw a hot air balloon. I stammered, with toothpaste splattering forth, something unintelligible and ran for the back door. I then ran for my camera and took a few pictures. Just another perk of running, you get to see things you would normally have slept through.

Here is this week's running results, please note I was fully dressed for each of these runs and as of this moment I do not plan to do any of my runs sans clothing though with people my age you never know! While it is true that I have gone out in the morning to run frequently with my socks inside out and at least once with my shirt inside out (I'm not a morning person), so far in my 51 years I have remembered to wear all the appropriate articles of clothing!  The same cannot be said for every other member of my family (you know who you are Commando).



A total of 20 and half fully clothed miles! How exciting! Happy naked running!

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