Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 2 Runner's World Streaking Challenge

 When participating in a Running Streak Challenge (this one issued by Runner's World) it is important to stay motivated. Below are two of my favorite running quotes:

"I often hear someone say I'm not a real runner. We are all runners, some just run faster than others. I never met a fake runner."
-Bart Yasso 

 "To know you are one with what you are doing, to know that you are a complete athlete, begins with believing you are a runner."
-- George Sheehan

These pictures were taken on a run at Erwin Park. We share the trail here with armadillos, mountain bikers and squirrels.
 I think the two quotes above sum up my struggle with my identity as a runner. There was a time when I could almost wholeheartedly agree with the first statement. There are no fake runners, therefore I must be a real runner. But then you come across people with some talent and then you read about their training or in my case you watch first hand (my kids) the training and discipline required to compete at a higher level and you realize "I am never going to be a competitive runner" and you wonder "Is this slogging along really running"?

On any given day I might give you a different answer because these and many other questions of life remain completely undecided for me in the day-to-day. However, when I am running, and by that I mean those days when it feels effortless, when I decide to run farther than planned or faster than planned, on those days I am a runner. I believe in that moment that I am always a runner. Then I come home, plug in my Garmin and see the raw data. I averaged a 10:39 mile again! Is that running? Is it jogging ( a word I have come to despise)? I don't know but I choose to define myself as a runner.

I love running at Erwin Park, the trail is challenging but the flowers and trees are lovely.

I have never told anyone nor have I ever thought of myself as an athlete. I read books (and my Bible), make crafts, watch movies, eat Nutella, do a few crunches, run a few miles and call myself a crafty,  soulful, creative running couch potato! I am nothing if not a bundle of contradictions.
Small pond at the end of the creek bed.

 This week I feel like a runner. I ran Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and today! Participating in a running streak challenge awakens all the aches and pains and blisters that may have lain dormant in less active times. Aches and pains and blisters just scream out, "You are a runner". But not to other people. To other people I look like I'm ready for the geriatric ward where I can have deep muscle massage and do water aerobics.  So stiff and inflexible am I after running that rather than look like the fit person I am trying to be I look decrepit. Parker or Dean automatically hover near me when we exit a movie theater because they know that I will not be able to make it down the stairs without assistance. I will have stiffened up to the point that once I unfold and straighten up I can't balance or bend in any kind of fluid way to navigate steps. I watch as elderly patrons speed past me to get in line for the ladies room.

Week before last I ran 19.43 miles. Last week I only managed 14.63. I had been increasing mileage every week so it was probably not bad to have a low mileage week. Below is last week's running.


3.06 33.11



I will be excited to post next week's results. It will be interesting to see what the mileage adds up to after a week of running every day...I am trying not to merely run one mile a day to meet the criteria as I did on most of my runs back in January (my previous 30 day streak). There are many reasons to participate in this kind of challenge but today's reason is to squelch the voice in my head that questions my running identity. There are no fake runners! Happy Running!

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